Nieuwjaarsborrel 2024, kantoor Welcome App

Gezamenlijke nieuwjaarsborrel

Afgelopen week hielden we samen met OpenEmbassy, Forward Inc, Welcome App, Refugee Work en Refugee Company een nieuwjaarsborrel. Naast het inluiden van het nieuwe jaar, vierden we onze gezamenlijke missie om nieuwkomers te verwelkomen en te ondersteunen om een plek te vinden in onze maatschappij.

De woorden tijdens de spoken word voordracht van @Soraya Shawki vatten dit heel mooi samen:

”For together we rise

We lift our gaze to what stands ahead.

For we compose, a community committed.

To empower the ones that are new

From all walks of life.

We won’t give in to divide

For together we rise

For a harmonious future”

Naast deze voordracht, was er eten en drinken van MATÉLY en Hummus & Habibis, muziek van Spotlight International en organiseerden we een panel over diversiteit / nieuwkomers op de werkvloer.

In deze turbulente tijden was dit een mooie, verbindende avond, waarin we vol goede moed verder gaan met dit verwelkomende geluid. Dank iedereen die aanwezig was. Tot de volgende keer! ❤️

Spoken Word

Samen voor een inclusieve toekomst

Door: Soraya Shawki

“In our industry

The work we do does not exist in isolation

for decades it has been a necessity

To this day

people from elsewhere had to flee or

leave their home countries

Which brings us to the question:

 what is key to make a difference?


I see each and everyone one of us.

collected particles of stardust

no need for sailing with the stars when they’re

amongst us

I see each and everyone of us

as agents of change

imagining a world in which everyone can participate.

the change we want to see is how we navigate

it is how we breathe. speak. work.

it is how we contemplate

a compass, wired deep within

that whispers, aches,

for a world of harmony

A fallacy is to believe there are not enough opportunities

for all


I see each and everyone of us

as a visionary

which implies we all have a shared responsibility

To unite, and guide different journeys with a collective mission

When we hear a plight of urgency

We listen

When we see what’s wrong.

We right it, not witness.

The doubts that come with action are a given

But in the meantime, it is a room of one’s own.

Not afraid to ruffle feathers.


We move forward, despite the challenges

In the shadowy depths, where downfalls may dwell,

For together we rise, breaking each spell.

For together we rise

Igniting an undying spirit

Welcoming all

And their palette of dreams

The sky is the limit

Our infinite hope, like a beacon,

Will light our shared ways.

For together we rise

Not a moment, we’ll sway

For we will aim for a union with purpose

It might not be perfect

But we’ll never hold back by what stands between us

For together we rise

We lift our gaze to what stands ahead.

For we compose,a community committed.

To empower the ones that are new

From all walks of life.

We won’t give in to divide

For together we rise

For a harmonious future

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