Research on newcomers' perspectives on civic integration
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Regioplan, BMC
Annual reports
Samen met Regioplan en BMC doen we onderzoek naar het perspectief van mensen die inburgeren in opdracht van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid. OpenEmbassy is verantwoordelijk voor het kwalitatieve gedeelte, dat meer kleuring geeft aan de resultaten van surveys die Regioplan onder inburgeraars uitzet.
A total of four reports will be published with the findings from the surveys and the qualitative part. To gather the perspective of people who are integrating, we deploy expert pools and in-depth interviews. In some cases, this is also supplemented by action research and design probes (in collaboration with Department of Extraordinary Affairs).
The first report was delivered in 2023, with follow-ups coming out in 2024 and 2025. The final report will be delivered in 2027 so that the insights from this research can be used for the Wi2021 law review. This is the first time that research has been conducted so directly on the perspectives of people integrating.
Learning the language is the central element for the integrationists we spoke to. Language first and then work or study. This seems at odds with the idea of duality in the new system. Because of the focus on language, there are also many concerns about the quality of language education. People experience that classes regularly drop out, groups are too large and differences are too great. On the one hand there is a need to be able to make an autonomous choice in which language course someone follows, on the other hand the extra support from the municipality is appreciated.
There is a lot to deal with when people are integrating, and before that, people have just spent a long time in reception. From the perspective of the people themselves, it is inexplicable that it is difficult or impossible to start working, studying or learning the language in reception, and that when they move, it all comes together at once. There is a need for perspective in the shelter.
The municipality is in charge of integration under the Wi2021. We see a shift to the client manager as the main source of information. It is important that information provision also matches people's needs. For example, whether there is the possibility to continue learning after B1 level when someone learns quickly and has a high language ambition. The experience with client managers varies from person to person. An important condition for a positive experience seems to be the space for persons integrating to have their own say and to express any concerns. This starts during the period of the broad intake.
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Building 003-D
1018 JA Amsterdam