Impact research
The Integration Act raises exciting issues. As a municipality, how do you make sure that what you have devised on paper works in practice? And how can you let that practice feed into the policy you subsequently devise? Thorough impact research also helps to focus on the important question: how do we ensure that newcomers participate in my municipality and feel at home?
Effective policies based on experiences of newcomers
Because it's not just about passing the civic integration, but the broader social perspective. For example, you don't just want people to speak at B1 level, but also to feel comfortable talking to others in everyday life and at work.
In recent years, we developed in practice several tools that we use to help municipalities make their policies appropriate for persons integrating. All of them are based on the evidence-based model of the Indicators of Integration. This framework helps to focus on the experiences of people themselves.
Development of effective, locally appropriate measurement model
Perhaps you already have a vision document that has been approved by the council. Or you are engaged in a participatory process with partners in the field. You may already have an integration coalition. The starting point of every municipality or civil society organization is different. That is why we involve a diverse range of stakeholders in the impact research.
- Set local ambition with stakeholders
- Determine meaningful, local indicators
- Investigate which data sources we will use to measure indicators
- Collect in-depth and experiential qualitative data
In this way, together we will arrive at an effective model with which to measure integration results. From a broad, local perspective and with experience data from newcomers themselves.
Support implementation evaluation
In addition, we can support the implementation of evaluations. With a broad set of tools and methods, we collect (qualitative) experiential data from newcomers. For example, using action research, an expert pool, surveys, in-depth interviews or design sessions.
We always check what data and knowledge are already available. This is efficient, cost-saving and strategic. Because impact research and evaluation are thus embedded locally and are not dependent on our presence.
Exchange experiences with other municipalities
We also support municipalities and civil society organizations by connecting them with each other. What is happening in other communities? Can we see a pattern? Can we raise issues on a national level? That way you don't have to reinvent the wheel and you can highlight the things that are going well in your own community.
Possible activities
Determining indicators
Conversation stakeholders
Design session
Advice measuring instruments
Reflection session
Featured Projects
Our impact researchers have extensive knowledge of the research field, indicators to be used and qualitative measurement tools. With different perspectives and lived experience, we connect as closely as possible to the experiences of newcomers themselves.
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Interesse in Monitoring en Evaluatie van de wet inburgering? Of gewoon benieuwd naar de mogelijkheden die passen bij jullie vraag?