Hoe zorg je als gemeente of maatschappelijke organisatie dat nieuwkomers écht kunnen meedoen? Bij OpenEmbassy werken we al acht jaar samen met beleidsmakers, gemeenten en…
Cabinet Puts Direct Participation First The coalition agreement emphasizes the importance of rapid participation of newcomers in society and active support with work and language,...
In 2023, OpenEmbassy researched the pilot toeleading to work from the azc in Almere. Here, Randstad, COA and the Municipality of Almere assist residents from...
At One Today, Renée Frissen talks more about integration. Status holders still have to wait a long time before their integration begins. According to CBS, more than...
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Open Embassy
Marineterrein Amsterdam
Kattenburgerstraat 5
Building 003-C
1018 JA Amsterdam
© OpenEmbassy
Stay up to date with news & knowledge by, for and about newcomers.
Marineterrein Amsterdam
Kattenburgerstraat 5
Building 003-D
1018 JA Amsterdam