Knowledge by, for and about newcomers

Knowledge by, for and about newcomers

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About us

It started in 2015 with an idea. An inclusively designed online help desk where newcomers could ask questions and get answers from Dutch people: OpenEmbassy. Since then, our close-knit team has been working with data-driven solutions and policies to create a society in which newcomers can thrive. We gather valuable knowledge by, for and about newcomers, supported by hundreds of volunteers and working for 25% of municipalities.

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Towards an evidence-based integration policy

We look at the support of newcomers from the perspective of Alison and Strang's Indicator of Integration Framework. A scientifically founded model based on the experiences of newcomers themselves, which we developed intensively for the Dutch context together with the founders.

In all our projects, we gather knowledge based on this evidence-based model. It helps design, develop, measure and evaluate integration policies. And forms a framework that both policymakers and implementers can adapt to their dynamic and specific local context.

Rooted in communities

With complex issues, no one person "knows it. But everyone involved has bits of knowledge independently. That is why we like to build learning communities: an intricate network of diverse groups of newcomers, experienced Dutch people and professionals who learn together and develop smart solutions. As a result, we know the living environment of people well. And our research projects are always rooted in practice.

Exxpert Pool Almere

"See newcomers themselves as a source of knowledge and use them in the solutions you develop. Then you have a greater chance that those solutions will work."

Renée Frissen, director OpenEmbassy

Creative, empathetic, connecting

We are an inclusive, creative research firm and A Great Place to Work. Because diversity in backgrounds and perspectives is necessary for our work. You can tell by the composition of our team, our DNA and the way we work together.

Justice | Curiosity | Authenticity | Questioning Status Quo

Our cooperation partners

We learn from our cooperation partners and our partners learn from us. By listening carefully and sharing knowledge, together we can improve the system.