Knowledge by, for and about newcomers

Knowledge by, for and about newcomers


In the focus group "Getting grip on your career," we collected experiences of people who fall under mainstream asylum and integration policies. The purpose of...

Within the municipality of Hollands Kroon, much (agricultural) work is done by people coming from other EU countries, such as Poland, Romania, Hungary, Latvia and Bulgaria. The...

Together with Newbees, we conducted a year of action research among Ukrainian newcomers, with a focus on work. We examined how policies for people from...

We spoke with an expert group about the outline agreement and their concerns about the impact on their lives, integration and Dutch society....
For her master's thesis in Sociology, Marrit de Boer conducted research on how teachers deal with cultural diversity in working with newcomer parents....
First research report from OpenEmbassy into the Integration Act 2021 from the perspective of newcomers integrating in the Netherlands....

For her master's thesis in Sociology, Sarah Rhee researched the contribution of the TOMaatjes project on better support for children from newcomer backgrounds....

The reception of people from Ukraine, as well as examples from abroad, show that in the Netherlands we can steer much more effectively for as fast...

On November 14, together with Regioplan, we presented the insights from our research on the position of Ukrainian newcomers in the labor market, during the annual...

Of the approximately 68,000 persons between the ages of 15 and 65 with Ukrainian citizenship who have been residing in a Dutch municipality since Feb. 24, 2022,...

From the Newcomers & Work Platform, in which we support initiatives that guide newcomers to gainful employment, we see that access to informal networks and...

In deel 1 bespraken we waarom het belangrijk is om als werkgever, organisatie of beleidsmedewerker verbonden te zijn met informele netwerken of gemeenschappen van nieuwkomers….

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