Expert Pool Reorientation Asylum
Ministry of Justice and Security
Expert pool, reporting
The Ministry of Justice asked ABDTOPConsult for a reorientation of the current asylum policy and the design of the asylum system. OpenEmbassy was engaged for input from asylum seekers and status holders.
The central question is how to achieve a more robust design of asylum policy and the asylum system, how to structure it and increase support. With the help of an expert pool, OpenEmbassy collected experiential knowledge from newcomers. In order to form a picture of the asylum policy, the asylum system and its functioning, including experienced bottlenecks and possible opportunities. These findings were incorporated into the report "Asylum in the Netherlands from the Perspective of Newcomers."
The Asylum Reorientation Expert Pool was used to gather knowledge from the experiences of 60 newcomers. Four overarching insights were distilled which are explained and elaborated on the basis of 7 themes: preconditions humanity, information provision, work, waiting time, COA and IND, Reception locations and facilities and social relations.
To answer this question, we looked not only at the asylum procedure, but also at how other areas of life, such as health, work and housing, are affected by Dutch asylum policy. In this report we name the experiences and insights of experts, and the opportunities they mentioned for improving the asylum system.
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Building 003-C
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Building 003-D
1018 JA Amsterdam