AMV Expert Pool
Expert pool report
OpenEmbassy is programming and hosting an expert pool with +/- 15 young people who currently live as unaccompanied minor refugees (UMFNs) in reception locations in South Holland. The goal is to gain more insight into their experience with current reception locations and what needs they have in reception. These insights can be used by COA when setting up new unaccompanied minor refugee locations in South Holland.
We developed the expert pool methodology based on our experience in community building, social design and organizing participation. Expert pools are lively, diverse, trained groups of new and oldcomers from one region who, by sharing their practical experiences and advice and designing solutions, support governments and other organizations in developing and evaluating integration policies and implementation. We call the members experts because that is what they are: experts on integration from the user's perspective.
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Open Embassy
Marineterrein Amsterdam
Kattenburgerstraat 5
Gebouw 003-C
1018 JA Amsterdam
© OpenEmbassy
Stay up to date with news & knowledge by, for and about newcomers.
Marineterrein Amsterdam
Kattenburgerstraat 5
Building 003-D
1018 JA Amsterdam